FMC – Full Metal Crown
FMC crown is recommended for posterior and bridges that require strength and durability. FMC crown is available in Non-Precious, Semi-Precious, Noble, and High Noble Alloy.
FMC crown is recommended for posterior and bridges that require strength and durability. FMC crown is available in Non-Precious, Semi-Precious, Noble, and High Noble Alloy.
eMax Crown is made of lithium disilicate glass-ceramic and is recommended for high life-like esthetic and translucent restorations. For posterior crowns, we press eMax for added strength. For Anterior, we cut back to add porcelain for added translucency.
PFM crown is the most widely prescribed restoration in the industry and has proven durability. We fabricate our PFM crown with function and high esthetics in mind. Our PFM is fabricated using the most advanced materials available and comes in Non-Precious, Semi-Precious, Noble, and High-Noble Alloy.
Zirconia crown is composed of zirconium – a heavy-duty, biocompatible substance which is also used by surgeons in their patient’s artificial joints. We’ve researched around the world and picked a Zirconia material that provides us a perfect combination of strength and natural esthetics. We offer Layered Zirconia Crowns with a combination of highest esthetics, strength and flexibility for anterior and posterior cases. We also offer Full Solid Zirconia Crowns which can handle severe Bruxer and is recommended for posterior cases.